Been There, Done That (Mostly)
Having grown up in Wichita and driven back and forth from there to Montana and Idaho many times over the years (o.k. decades) I can relate to this. I’ve seen the first Pizza Hut, the world’s largest ball of twine and the concrete teepee I’ve been by (but for some reason not in) the underground salt museum. I don’t know how I missed the giant Van Gogh easel as I’ve driven by Goodland countless times on I-70. One thing (at least) Zippy missed that I’ve been to though is the Garden of Eden, which is strange given it’s proximity to the world’s largest ball of twine. I’ve also seen M.T. Liggett’s political sculptures which are strange enough to put even Zippy a little bit on edge.
Been There, Done That (Mostly) Read More »