I know Non-Art When I Don't See It 5 Comments / By lgb / October 28, 2014 museum dedicated to the concept (or not, it’s hard to tell). I’m thinking of switching to non-photography–it will cut my equipment and supply costs dramatically. ]]>
Jim October 29, 2014 at 11:05 am Wow, this means I really am a (non) concert air violinist and a (non) rock star air guitarist – and a whole slew of other things that I am (not)! Reply
Jim November 26, 2014 at 12:32 am On Oct. 17, Larry said, “. . . or better yet, refuse to take photographs at all. That would be a true artist!” ( http://www.larryblackwood.com/blog/2014/10/17/i-dont-draw-im-an-artist/ ) Yep, just like this guy is a true painter who belongs in (or is from?) that James Franco “museum” ! — https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t31.0-8/p600x600/965658_10151481467476347_1766516268_o.jpg Reply
Wow, this means I really am a (non) concert air violinist and a (non) rock star air guitarist – and a whole slew of other things that I am (not)!
Pingback: Artist Statement for a Non-Art Exibit | Larry Blackwood Photography POTD and Blog
Pingback: Artist Statement for a Non-Art Exhibit | Larry Blackwood Photography POTD and Blog
On Oct. 17, Larry said, “. . . or better yet, refuse to take photographs at all. That would be a true artist!”
( http://www.larryblackwood.com/blog/2014/10/17/i-dont-draw-im-an-artist/ )
Yep, just like this guy is a true painter who belongs in (or is from?) that James Franco “museum” ! —