POTD: Bad Company
What’s worse than coming across a bunch of rednecks with guns and a gallon bottle of Wild Turkey? How about a bunch of rednecks with guns and a nearly empty gallon bottle of Wild Turkey? That happened to us about 25 years ago when we were getting off the river after a canoe trip. Although the highly inebriated fellows were friendly enough, it was a long nervous wait for the shuttle driver to show up.]]>
Pretty scary. I had a similar situation back in college when my roommate brought home 3 drunk coal miners who plopped a pistol on the kitchen table and wanted more booze. My girl friend and me cleared out pretty fast. A store stocking guns and booze. Brilliant.
Well, here in Oklahoma there are plans to open a gun range with a cafe that sells liquor. Go figure.
I wonder how long it will take a news item to come out of Oklahoma involving a nine year old, an Uzi, and a bottle of Wild Turkey. They’re bucking to one-up Arizona I guess. Sick, sick, sick.