Kathy, my guess is that Blessing painted from a small photograph of the scene which lacked sufficient resolution to distinguish between the a and the o in the sign. Your other question about the missing letters is of interest now. I wonder how to track that down.
Has every little thing out there been documented, and multiple times? I used to say there’s no such thing as an original photograph of Paris, but who’d have thought I could say the same thing about some podunk, defunct, derelict gas station in the middle of Wyoming.
Okay…you’ve convinced me that first letter is an “a”. Just consider that the painter took artistic license when he changed the name/letter. 🙂
Kathy, my guess is that Blessing painted from a small photograph of the scene which lacked sufficient resolution to distinguish between the a and the o in the sign. Your other question about the missing letters is of interest now. I wonder how to track that down.
I’m agree – Ajo. The first missing letter looks like it could have been an M – Major??
Judy, I think Major is a very good guess.
I agree – not I’m agree. 🙂
Did some searching on the internet, (instead of preparing for Day one of school which is Friday) and found this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carfull/6160732468/
and this one, http://www.flickr.com/photos/soundslikebret/6874294049/ which seems to be a little earlier in the life cycle of the sign. Kind of weird, two photos from two different people, both are labeled “Major Gas 2”
Has every little thing out there been documented, and multiple times? I used to say there’s no such thing as an original photograph of Paris, but who’d have thought I could say the same thing about some podunk, defunct, derelict gas station in the middle of Wyoming.