Thanks Kathy. This photo does work well in b&w (I tried it) and in that form would fit in well with my other collection of grain elevator photos. However, in this case I kept it in color to be consistent with the photos I posted the last two days that include this elevator in the background. Those two photos definitely worked better in color, largely due to the red tones. Of course, another motivation for keeping today’s photo in color was for that great purple cast to the water tank!
Great shot! Although this would also work in b&w, I love the slight purple/pink cast created by the light.
Thanks Kathy. This photo does work well in b&w (I tried it) and in that form would fit in well with my other collection of grain elevator photos. However, in this case I kept it in color to be consistent with the photos I posted the last two days that include this elevator in the background. Those two photos definitely worked better in color, largely due to the red tones. Of course, another motivation for keeping today’s photo in color was for that great purple cast to the water tank!
Like that one.
Thanks Steve!