Kathy, if they’re not doing so already, they will be taking applications for next year’s residencies. Check it out (just google “Hubbell Trading Post artist residencies”).
What a great place. This may be a stupid question but what does an artist in residence do? I was showing this to my brother-in-law and we began to look through your site. As he looked I showed him the “Corvus” issue of LensWork and your most recent “Lives Real and Imagined” while I was doing that I was also looking through the October issue of Sun Magazine and lo and behold there was a Larry Blackwood shot there too. It was the shot of Connie looking out the glass door. If your ears were ringing this afternoon, it was us.
Hey Bruce, sorry for the late reply but I only got to some reliable wi-fi service to answer longer notes. Thanks for doing the promotional work for me. Amazing you discovered the photo in the Sun, not all that big a readership and not all that many folks actually look at the photographers whose work is in it.
Depending on where it is, an artist residency can involve a lot of things, from just time to sit and contemplate to heavy interaction with the local art community with classes etc. In this case it tends toward the former. I got two weeks just to photograph in the area and work on the results. They gave me the hogan to stay in for free during that time. My only “duties” are to interact informally with folks wandering around the Trading Post and then I gave a slideshow presentation at a staff potluck lunch today. That’s it, except each artist is asked to donate a piece of their work to the Trading Post for their permanent collection after their stay. A good deal if you ask me.
I’ll bet the silence is almost deafening there, in a good way, except for the ram! 🙂 Would love that opportunity as well.
Kathy, if they’re not doing so already, they will be taking applications for next year’s residencies. Check it out (just google “Hubbell Trading Post artist residencies”).
What a great place. This may be a stupid question but what does an artist in residence do? I was showing this to my brother-in-law and we began to look through your site. As he looked I showed him the “Corvus” issue of LensWork and your most recent “Lives Real and Imagined” while I was doing that I was also looking through the October issue of Sun Magazine and lo and behold there was a Larry Blackwood shot there too. It was the shot of Connie looking out the glass door. If your ears were ringing this afternoon, it was us.
Hey Bruce, sorry for the late reply but I only got to some reliable wi-fi service to answer longer notes. Thanks for doing the promotional work for me. Amazing you discovered the photo in the Sun, not all that big a readership and not all that many folks actually look at the photographers whose work is in it.
Depending on where it is, an artist residency can involve a lot of things, from just time to sit and contemplate to heavy interaction with the local art community with classes etc. In this case it tends toward the former. I got two weeks just to photograph in the area and work on the results. They gave me the hogan to stay in for free during that time. My only “duties” are to interact informally with folks wandering around the Trading Post and then I gave a slideshow presentation at a staff potluck lunch today. That’s it, except each artist is asked to donate a piece of their work to the Trading Post for their permanent collection after their stay. A good deal if you ask me.
Larry, thanks for the tip on the residency opportunity. I’ll check that out!