Ha! When this first came up on my screen, I could only see a part of it. The flowers didn’t show up, only the top of the photo. For about 1/8 of a second, I thought I was seeing cookies! (Says more about me than it does about the photo.) Once I saw the whole photo, I liked it even more than I like cookies. Beautiful contrast overall, and lovely detail in the flowers. Hmmmm… I like the idea of water lily flowers and cookies all in one photo. 😉
Ha! When this first came up on my screen, I could only see a part of it. The flowers didn’t show up, only the top of the photo. For about 1/8 of a second, I thought I was seeing cookies! (Says more about me than it does about the photo.) Once I saw the whole photo, I liked it even more than I like cookies. Beautiful contrast overall, and lovely detail in the flowers. Hmmmm… I like the idea of water lily flowers and cookies all in one photo. 😉
Thanks Carol. I suppose I could float a chocolate chip cookie on top of each water lily leaf…
LOVE this photo!! I’m seeing Pac Man again – but cookies sound good, too!
Thanks Judy, for some reason all this talk about this photo is making me hungry. 🙂
So beautiful, thanks again