March 2012

POTD: Linear Housing

Linear Housing Chicago, Illinois 2011

Whenever I get a possible candidate for a POTD while processing photos, I put a small uploadable copy of it in a special folder on my computer. Once they’re used as a POTD they get moved to a different folder so I can keep track of what’s left to use. I just checked the potential POTD folder and there are 381 images in there right now, dating back to as long ago as 2007. Some of these images I’ve lost interest in and won’t ever be used, but there are still a large number I still like quite a bit. So I’m going post a rather random assortment of those over the next few days.]]>

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POTD: Judging Bunnies

Judging Bunnies Bozeman, Montana 2012

These young folks were sitting there a long time waiting for the judge to finish with the bunny just out of view on the left. They were waiting when we first walked in the room and were still waiting when we left maybe ten minutes later. Four out of five of them looked like terminal boredom had already set in and, with no indication of movement on the part of the judge the whole time we were there, I suspect the lone survivor succumbed soon after we left.]]>

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