I want to go to Nevada! Have really enjoyed your photos of Cathedral Gorge and this one. Looks like beautiful country. And congratulations on your exhibit.
Thanks Judy, on both counts. Much of Nevada is wide, very wide, open spaces with not much in the way of interesting vegetation or landscape features. That wide open “nothingness” is not everyone’s cup of tea but I respond to it. If you look in the right places though, especially in the southern part of the state, there are any number of interesting spots of which Cathedral Gorge and Valley of Fire are just two. (I actually did not describe the wide open spaces quite accurately as while they exist in massive quantity across the state they are broken up by numerous, usually small, mountain ranges sporting more typical western mountain vegetation etc. It is aptly named “basin and range” country and it is the basins that contain a whole lot of not much.
I want to go to Nevada! Have really enjoyed your photos of Cathedral Gorge and this one. Looks like beautiful country. And congratulations on your exhibit.
Thanks Judy, on both counts. Much of Nevada is wide, very wide, open spaces with not much in the way of interesting vegetation or landscape features. That wide open “nothingness” is not everyone’s cup of tea but I respond to it. If you look in the right places though, especially in the southern part of the state, there are any number of interesting spots of which Cathedral Gorge and Valley of Fire are just two. (I actually did not describe the wide open spaces quite accurately as while they exist in massive quantity across the state they are broken up by numerous, usually small, mountain ranges sporting more typical western mountain vegetation etc. It is aptly named “basin and range” country and it is the basins that contain a whole lot of not much.