I showed up to begin setting up for the Brookside art show here in Kansas City late this afternoon to find out the snow was coming down too hard allow getting the big tent I was supposed to be under set up. So they postponed setting it up until tomorrow middle of the day (hopefully), which means they had to cancel the Friday hours for the show. So now the three day show (two and a half really I guess) is now down to a two day show on Saturday and Sunday only–maybe, if the weather improves. And to think I drove 1200 miles from Montana to do a show here because the weather in Montana is too iffy until July to do outdoor art shows.]]>
Wow. Sorry. I hope that you were able to make lemonade out of lemons. Or frozen margaritas out of snow.
Bright side: yesterday’s absolutely crappy weather makes today’s lousy weather look good by comparison! (So far anyway.)
hope you’re able to get set up. 1200 miles is a loooong way for one show. brookside has a great reputation – make it work for you. good luck! by the way, we’ve had over 3 ft. of snow in the past two weeks up here in the colorado rockies.
Wow! That’s serious snow & death for photos outside! Here in Missoula it’s supposed to be in the 70s over the weekend…not to rub it in or anything. Hope you can pull some sales out of this. Would be a real bummer if they totally cancel the show! Wishing you lots of lemonade! 🙂
Thanks Kathy and Mary. The show did get set up today. Hopefully tomorrow will go well even if it isn’t very spring-like out.