Window Seat
Wichita, Kansas
Still channeling Wright Morris here. I think my affinity for his photos, particularly those from The Home Place series, stems from my experiences at my grandparents farm when I was growing up. Even though Morris’s images were from a decade or so earlier than my first memories, much in the photos of the house decor as well as the barns and outbuildings from The Home Place have a familiar feel to them–so much so I can sometimes envision my grandparents just out of view around the corner. And one of his few photos with an actual person in it, Uncle Harry Entering Barn, could almost pass for one of my Grandad Duff in his blue denim chore coat heading out to his own barn in the morning. All this perhaps explains why making similar images of my own comes so easily to me. In fact in my early days as a teenage photographer, long before I’d ever heard of Wright Morris, I took a lot of photos at my grandparents farm. I don’t have many left and few of those have been scanned, but you can see one of my favorites here.