Popular Poulnabrone
The Burren, Ireland
Poulnabrone Dolmen is the second largest and reportedly the most popular portal tomb in Ireland. I say reportedly the most popular as I wonder how they count visitors to these tombs. This one is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere and there certainly wasn’t anyone there to count us when we visited. Nonetheless it is quite impressive and well deserving of whatever amount of attention it receives.
I didn’t realize that we had missed this traveling from Galway down to the Cliffs of Moher. Raises many questions. It looks like we took the road that winds closer to the sea and this Poulnabrone Dolmen was on another road that went further inland. Our guide took off during this day because he was part of a club that build loose stacked rock walls (for fun?) and they were meeting with Prince Charles who allegedly also enjoyed stacking rocks to stack some rocks. The prince was there with the Queen as part of the first Royal visit (maybe since the Independence) to the Republic. There was a lot of security to the point that Rory disappeared one night and our driver just took over for the tour of the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher. Rory showed up the next day with a tale to tell. (Also 101 jokes about Bono, example: The difference between God and Bono, God doesn’t walk around Dublin thinking he is Bono. Or, The Edge and Bono walked into a pub, The barkeep remarked “Oh, God, not U2 again”. Okay, I’m done joking now.
I certainly like looking at stacked rock walls, in fact I have a big 2’x3′ print of one from Northern Ireland on our living room wall right now. Having built a 12′ high by 24′ long stacked rock retaining wall next to the garage at our mountain house, I have to say I prefer looking at them to building them (although there is a certain interesting zen state one can get into picking just the right rock from a pile to fit a particular niche). I also like listening to U2 but have to say that joke about The Edge and Bono walking into the pub is better than some of their songs!