Sitting Here in Limbo
Bozeman, Montana
Just sitting here wondering why there’s such a blackout of information from our health care provider (the largest in the area) regarding their covid vaccine progress and where we might fit into the grand scheme of things. I hate uncertainty.
I like the photograph Larry; the time spent working on the image kept you safe I am sure. Photoshop’s neural filter are keeping me safe and away from the partiers around me.
No vaccine for Margot or I; only 400 doses delivered to our county.
Photoshop certainly does have a protective effect against covid-19 when applied properly. 🙂 Last night, right after I wrote the text for today’s POTD things started looking up for us here. Out of the blue Connie got an email from the hospital here in Bozeman and she was able to schedule her first vaccine for tomorrow. This morning I snagged a vaccine appointment over in Billings for Thursday. (The only issue with getting my vaccine is that I will have to drive 140 miles at temps which will be double digits below zero.) Even after all this though I still feel like the medical community is doing a great disservice to the public by not being more forthcoming with information. I’d have been o.k. with waiting some time as long as I knew what was going on. Like I said, I hate uncertainty.
Great news for Connie. Kinda meh for you. Is it because you are still a “youngster”, less than 70 ya think?
As far as I know everyone in Phase 1B here, 70 or over or under 70 with a risk factor (which I have because of my heart valve), is treated equally. But then they tell us almost nothing so take that with a grain of salt!
This photo looks like a book cover which would distract me from my work at the library. I would be reading inside the book jacket to see what it’s about!
My dad has felt in limbo about the vaccine, since he is actually too young for this week’s round in our county, which is for age 85+. Then Alisha called him today & said that family members (probably age 65+) are eligible now at her workplace in Pittsburg, so she is getting him an appointment there. I hope the weather cooperates!
Thanks Connie. I’m glad your dad’s going to be able to get his vaccine sooner rather than later. Interesting that your county is still on the oldest folks out there. Every location is different I guess, both in terms of age cutoffs and ease of scoring an appointment. That is why shopping around makes sense even though it shouldn’t be that hard to get protected.