According to Cornell
Do fish see in color?
There is not just a single answer to this question since not all fish have been tested for color vision. However, the common goldfish certainly sees in color and many more at least have the necessary nervous system elements for color vision to be present.
Thanks for the information Allan. I had figured that the various colors were meant for helping the fisherman sort out their piles of nets and, in the case of the floats, to find them in the water. But it does beg the question as to whether fish are more attracted or repelled from any particular color net.
Aside from the fact that your Goldfish may enjoy the colors on your big screen TV, This photograph is very compelling and I could look at it for a long time and not get tired of it.
Thanks Allan. It felt good to post a splash of color for a change, especially since all we’ve seen outside for the last few days has been various levels of grayscale courtesy of snow, fog, and overcast skies.
According to Cornell
Do fish see in color?
There is not just a single answer to this question since not all fish have been tested for color vision. However, the common goldfish certainly sees in color and many more at least have the necessary nervous system elements for color vision to be present.
Thanks for the information Allan. I had figured that the various colors were meant for helping the fisherman sort out their piles of nets and, in the case of the floats, to find them in the water. But it does beg the question as to whether fish are more attracted or repelled from any particular color net.
Aside from the fact that your Goldfish may enjoy the colors on your big screen TV, This photograph is very compelling and I could look at it for a long time and not get tired of it.
Thanks Allan. It felt good to post a splash of color for a change, especially since all we’ve seen outside for the last few days has been various levels of grayscale courtesy of snow, fog, and overcast skies.