Sky View #2
American Prairie Preserve, Montana
It was a nice feeling to know I was experiencing this storm on a prairie in Montana rather than one back in Kansas where I grew up as tornadoes are rare here so there was not much worry about getting carried away (literally) by this storm. Hailstorms on the other hand do occur with frequency in the summer here, so there is that to worry about. But fortunately we had to deal with neither during this storm and could just enjoy the show.
Nothing so dramatic here in Northern California, clear skies high temperature of 104. Nothing to unusual about that, but the humidity was at 4 percent.
I like the photograph.
Allan, 104 degrees with 4% humidity sounds quite dramatic to me–although not in a good way. With weather like that I’ll be expecting to hear of the first big California wildfire soon. We’re drying out here but I think the high temperature in Bozeman so far this summer has been about 85 degrees.
Seeing those clouds would make me head for the basement due to growing up in Illinois and experiencing the sky turning green right before those dropped a funnel cloud! Dramatic and scary all at once!
BTW, is that the sun poking through the clouds?
Kathy some of the skies that day actually kind of had that green tint to them, but it didn’t particularly worry me as I just kept reminding myself the odds of getting hit by a tornado in Montana are pretty darn slim. I did worry about possible hail damage though. In regard to your question about the sun poking through, if you are referring to that white “spot” on the left side of the clouds it was some strange bit of bright white cloud hanging down from the darker grey clouds. Perhaps it was lit by some sun rays we couldn’t see ourselves.