Late Night Old Nanjing
Nanjing, China
This is another from the recreated old town that I visited in Najing. While certain neighborhoods in Chinese cities still have this kind of look, one clue that this is a recreation is that there are no people around–a rare site on the streets even at night out in the real city.
Is the modern Nanjing packed so tightly with buildings as this reconstruction? I sort of feel claustrophobic imagining living in such tight quarters.
More modern sections of cities that I’ve been in are not that closed-in, a lot are very spacious with wide boulevards etc. But there are still many older areas like this as well. I walked through a number of them when I was in Beijing. It’s a very interesting experience–for a little while. (Says the guy who starts feeling claustrophobic in dense forests after a while; I like being able to see a long ways. That may have something to do with growing up in Kansas.)