Snow Form #3
Yellowstone National Park, Montana
If you’ve followed my photographs for very long, you may have noticed that subtle images aren’t generally my thing–high contrast is more my thing. But once in a while something subtle does grab my eye and the results are very pleasing to me. This is definitely one of those times.
This is beautiful! Feels almost like a human form, a nude of some kind, though I could not place it on a real body! 😉 I love high key images and this is right up my alley. I also think the subtle blue in the shadows is important to convey “snow” rather than switching to black and white.
Kathy, the similarity of this image to the human form makes it a somewhat sensual image I think, although it seem kind of oxymoronic to speak of cold sensuality! As far as “the blue in the shadows” goes, you may want to check the calibration of your monitor. This image was in fact converted to black and white. Not only that but a slight warm tone was also applied. The same is true of the raven in the image from the 23rd which you referred to as “blue-black” in your comment. Of course this could be a case of the other colors or the context of an image fooling the eye, something that is quite common as witnessed by the gold and white vs. blue and black dress controversy that was all over the news and social media about a year ago. (See a good explanation of that particular image here.)
I like it!
Subtle is never something that can be pinned on my photographs either, but when it happens it feels like a gift.
I agree Allan, when it happens it feels like a gift. I suppose the same thing is true for those who generally “see” subtle compositions but occasionally produce a more aggressive (for lack of a better word) image.
This is very pleasing to me, too! Sometimes a hint is very enticing.
Thanks Carol!
Thanks for the clarification about the color in this image. I was viewing and commenting from my laptop which has not been recalibrated in a while! 😉 Probably need to do that again.
Even when calibrated my laptop seems to have sort of a blue cast for some reason. I assume my desktop monitor is the most accurate.