Holter Museum of Art Helena, Montana 2014
We drove up to Helena, MT to the Holter Museum of Art earlier today where I gave an artist talk in connection with my Opus Corvus exhibit there. It was the most well attended artist talk I think I’ve ever had, with over 40 people enthusiastic people there. I took this photo afterwards because I’ve never seen my name in letters that big anywhere before. They really know how to pump up your ego at the Holter!]]>
Excellent, Larry! How long will your exhibit be up at the Holter? Would love to drive over to see it.
Thanks Kathy. The exhibit will be up until April 13. The Monte Dolack exhibit is well worth seeing too.
Whoa! Those guys know how to pump you up.
I didn’t know you had images on display in Missoula! Thanks! I’ll check it out and refer my black & white photo editing students.
Kathy, nothing in Missoula, just at the Holter.
Oh, I see I interpreted “Monte Dolack exhibit” as meaning his gallery in Missoula was showing your work. Now I understand it’s at the Holter too! Duh! 🙂
Kathy, if Monte Dolack wants to show my work at his gallery, he’s more than welcome to!