Bear Trap Canyon Fire Bozeman, Montana 2012
Like many other parts of the West, Montana is getting a good dosing of wildland fires these days. This is a photo from our current local fire in Bear Trap Canyon west of Bozeman about twenty miles. This was taken on Monday a week ago–the first day of the fire. I was on my way back from my art show in Salt Lake City at the time. I spent Tuesday “working” on the fire with a crew from the volunteer fire department I am on. I put the word “working” in quotes because it was so windy that day (gusts to 60 mph) we couldn’t do much but monitor the fire as it raced about four miles down the river in just a few hours. I did get my share of smoke and ash immersion though (cough, cough). Since then the weather and the fire have been better behaved and I think they are in the mop of stages now. It was small as fires these days go, burning about 20,000 acres and three homes I believe. How did this fire get started? Fireworks–so be careful with yours this week. ]]>