POTD: Or You Could Look At It This Way

POTD: Or You Could Look At It This WayOr You Could Look At It This Way
Bozeman, Montana

I seem to remember a sight gag from TV many years ago where, when one person said “You could look at it this way…,” the other responded by saying “…or, you could look at it this way.” and then twisting their head and neck until their face was nearly upside down. It was funny when I saw humans do it, and even funnier when I saw this raven looking at the world a different way.

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POTD: Natural Tendencies

POTD: Natural TendenciesNatural Tendencies
Bozeman, Montana

When I started photographing crows and ravens some years ago, a wish of mine was to someday come across one with a red berry in its mouth. I thought it would take a long time to stumble on to such a scene, but it was actually only a couple of months before I was able to capture this image:

F6807c_10x10Crow With Berries
Bozeman, Montana

Since 2009 when I took the Crow With Berries shot,  I’ve come across other instances of crows or ravens with something red or reddish-orange in their mouths, so came to realize it was not as rare an event as I thought it might be. But what I noticed in my old studio at our mountain house the other day takes that kind of occurrence to a whole other level.

I did not setup this scene on purpose. While moving my studio into town a year or so ago, I temporarily and haphazardly pinned a crow mobile I had to the wall by the door. I don’t know if it ended up positioned like in today’s POTD from the beginning or if it happened later somehow, but I just noticed it the other day when I was up there doing some work. Perhaps there’s a natural attraction of crows to red objects even when the crow is inanimate!

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POTD: Ad Infinitum

FA0192Ad Infinitum
Bozeman, Montana

I was framing photos for an exhibit of some of my Lectio series recently when I realized the subject of one of the photos was sitting on the window ledge right next to my work table. Just for grins I placed the finished piece on the ledge behind the books, which generated the idea for this new photo.

The exhibit, by the way, is in the Carle Gallery in the Butte Public Library in downtown Butte, MT. It’s hanging there now and will be up for at least a month. If you’re from that area or passing through, stop and take a look.

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