Hot Springs Dessert
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Grab a metaphorical spoon and dig into this luscious visual dessert at Mammoth Hot Springs. Guaranteed low calorie and no sugar added.
Hot Springs Dessert
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Grab a metaphorical spoon and dig into this luscious visual dessert at Mammoth Hot Springs. Guaranteed low calorie and no sugar added.
Mammoth never fails to leave me awestruck. Lovely way to think about it!
Thanks Molly. I personally prefer Mammoth the way it looked back in the 80s when we first moved to Bozeman, or even back in the 60s when I first saw it on a family vacation. But maybe it was just my memories of the way it looked that I prefer and it hasn’t really changed that much. Either way, there’s still plenty there to appreciate.