New Neighbor
Bozeman, Montana
This is the first bobcat we’ve ever seen at our mountain house. Along with all the non or smaller predatory species, we’ve seen bears and mountain lions, but not bobcats until this year. This not-too-good photo was taken by a trailcam on a rainy foggy day when we were not there, but a day or so later it walked the length of the porch in front of the house while were watching out the windows. We think it may be stalking the rabbits living under the porch that we frequently see coming out to graze on our lawn.
We could use him/her over here. The rabbit population is way out of control.
I believe the rabbit population here is on the upswing part of its 9 or 10 year cycle. Perhaps it is also the case in Kentucky. We’ve had as many as 6 or 8 rabbits grazing in our yard at one time before. With only two now we have a ways to go–unless of course the bobcat and friends are really active, in which case maybe we’ll just see more predators instead.