Battlement Butte
Butler Wash, Utah
As far as I know there is not official name for this particular edifice, so I felt free to make up my own name for it. In reality it is just one of many similarly interesting features in this part of Utah-way too many to name.
This is a lovely black & white image. The clouds are just right! 🙂
Thanks Kathy. This is the kind of image where I sometimes have some trouble getting the skies to look “just right” when converting from color to black and white. So I appreciate your assessment!
It’s quite imposing with the clouds radiating out. The Citadel (not to be confused with the military school in Charleston,SC.
Citadel would be a good name except I wouldn’t want to associate and innocent desert feature with the clouded history of the Citadel in S.C. in regards to racism and related issues (e.g. the glorification of Nazi symbols).