Back in 2007 when I took early retirement and started seriously pursuing fine art photographer I remember setting my sights on a goal for the future–to “someday” be published in LensWork magazine, the holy grail for a very large number of black and white photographers myself included. (If you are not familiar with it, LensWork is a book-quality, paper-based, anthology-style periodical publication that features portfolios of images by five or six photographers every other month.) Anyway, to my surprise and good fortune, that “someday” occurred the very next year.
After that early success, I figured the next thing to hope for was to be featured on it’s cover in a future issue. Well, after 12 years I’ve had my eighth portfolio accepted in LensWork and finally made it to the cover. Makes me feel a bit like Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, who as they wished for in the song, did get their wish and made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in 1973.
Wow! That’s awesome, Larry – and well deserved. Congratulations!
Thanks Judy!
Congratulations, Larry! Well deserved on all counts. I look forward to seeing your latest portfolio.
Thanks Kathy. If you’ve been following the blog posts, you’ve seen most if not all of the images already but you will notice some major differences in some. At Brooks Jensen’s suggestion I redid quite a few of the images playing more with artificial lighting (courtesy of Photoshop)to create more dramatic effects. I was pleased with the way they came out and so was Brooks apparently!
Congratulations, Larry! I love the photo Lenswork chose for the cover.
Thanks Jane. That was one of my favorite photos from the portfolio so I was glad to see it chosen for the cover.
I know how much work you put into “developing” and printing your photographs. Your hard work paid off. Congrats on the cover.
Thanks Connie!
Great cover photograph, I look forward to seeing this in print and digital format.
I may have to take the Ansel Adams photograph hanging over the mantel down and put up this Larry Blackwood photograph.
Thanks Allan, and you flatter me with the Ansel Adams comment!
Ansel has been hanging around for so many years, I think it is time for to refresh the walls. Besides Ansel could fetch a fair amount of pocket change.
I would certainly think the Adams print would bring way more than any of my photos ever will!
Congratulations and a good analogy with Rolling Stone.
Thanks Michael!
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