Given the news this morning, I wish I had not posted this image today. But since I did and since you (and others) remarked on the connection, I will say this is a another senseless tragedy made all the more senseless by government’s unwillingness to seriously address the issue of gun violence in this country and the NRA who is largely responsible for that unwillingness. They should all be mortified and ashamed, but as their non-response to so many previous similar events indicates, they are not. A world turned upside down is quickly becoming normal.
You couldn’t know this ahead of time, but this post is true for many people in Las Vegas right now. 🙁
Given the news this morning, I wish I had not posted this image today. But since I did and since you (and others) remarked on the connection, I will say this is a another senseless tragedy made all the more senseless by government’s unwillingness to seriously address the issue of gun violence in this country and the NRA who is largely responsible for that unwillingness. They should all be mortified and ashamed, but as their non-response to so many previous similar events indicates, they are not. A world turned upside down is quickly becoming normal.