Face to Face
Yellowstone National Park
I was walking down a trail in Yellowstone looking off to the side admiring a big field of brightly colored flowers and generally not paying a lot of attention to anything else when I glanced in front of me to see this big fellow standing in the trail ahead of me. I was a bit too close for safety, especially considering he appeared to be taking a more than passing interest in me for some reason. I shot this image (with my telephoto) after backing off a ways and sitting on a rock. I waited for him to wander off, which he didn’t do, so I walked a wide detour through the marshy meadow. Wet shoes from boggy ground is better than a good goring any day.
That story is like the day I inadvertently came on a Bobcat in our backyard, but I did not have a camera to document the intent eyes glaring at me. Even if I did have a camera I am sure I would not have been able to hold it steady.
Excellent photograph it always pays to get in close to your subject.
I got face to face with a mountain lion about 6 feet away at our house yesterday morning. Fortunately he was on one side of the dining room window and I was on the other. I grappled for my phone to get a photo but he walked on before I could get a shot of him/her looking at me. I did get a shot of it from behind through the kitchen window. Lovely tail, but it wasn’t the shot I was hoping for. As you suggest, intense cat eyes, coupled with an understanding of the power behind them is a humbling experience.