POTD: Let It Be #1

Let It Be #1
Bozeman, Montana

Suppose your spouse (or significant other or parent or just someone you care for a great deal) has been in surgery for almost ten hours and the doctors told you it would only take five and they haven’t told you much of anything since the surgery started except everything was “fine” and it has been two hours since anyone has said anything to you at all and in fact all the visible hospital employees are leaving the building and come eight in the evening you’re still waiting, the only person in a large, empty room and it’s gray and dreary out, and it’s starting to snow and getting dark. How would you maintain your vigil, allowing yourself legitimate concern but occupying yourself to keep your imagination from taking your mind to places you don’t want to go? What calming techniques would you use? In my case, I went to my car and grabbed a camera and starting taking photos from the waiting area. Did it work? To a degree yes. This story had a happy ending–everything came out fine, and now I have a short series of photos from that evening to share over the next few days.

8 thoughts on “POTD: Let It Be #1”

  1. We see lots of shots of tire tracks in snow, but the human (and footprints) in this one adds a rare, poignant dimension. Nice work. And … glad everything turned out OK at the hospital.

    1. Thanks Mike. I like the addition of the person too. As much as I’m not into people photography, I have to admit that allowing them in my photos often makes a big difference in the impact.

    1. Judy, thanks for your concern. You read correctly, and yes Connie is fine. She had surgery for a malignant melanoma and all indications are that the surgery took care of it and there is no need for further treatment. Yay!

  2. I would have drunk copious amounts of bad coffee from the vending machines and cried a lot. I am glad to know that you made better use of your time and that the surgery was a success. Take care 🙂

    1. In addition to the photography I leaned on donuts and Diet-Coke, which didn’t do much for my mood at all except make me wonder why hospitals don’t have bars (as in saloons, not jails).

  3. Good to hear the surgery took care of Connie’s MM.. Was that Moh’s surgery that she had? (I work in a dermatology office.) Great that it was a good outcome. Give her our best.

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