POTD: Bare Tree #105
Bare Tree #105
Yachats, Oregon
We visited Yachats for the first time in 2006 and have been back several times since. Every time we go there I end up walking by this tree or root or combination of the two and am always amazed at how little it’s changed since I first saw it. It looks like it should have been washed away in a big storm a long time ago.
Here’s the first photo I took back in 2006:
Yachats, Oregon
Comparing the two images, the wall behind the tree is more eroded and some boulders to the left of the tree have disappeared. The tree itself shows very surprisingly little change and doesn’t seem to have shifted position noticeably. The biggest change evident in the 17 years between the two photos is the position of the photographer. I’ve been debating which of the two photos I like best and have pretty much decided on the old photo from 2006, which I hope doesn’t imply anything about the trend in quality of my work over the years!
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