Root Canal
Sequoia National Park, California
The giant sequoia trees in Sequoia National Park are incredibly big, growing to over 30′ in diameter and 300′ tall. They are so big it’s extremely difficult to truly grasp their full bulk even when you are right among them. For example, I was standing straight up inside a hollowed out downed sequoia when I took this photo. The tree formed a tunnel easily 100 feet long that you could walk through.
As hard as it is to grasp the size of these trees, in my judgement it is simply impossible to depict any significant portion of a sequoia in a photograph no matter how far you stand away from the subject. So I did not even try. Instead I decided to concentrate on close-in shots like this one during my time there.
I really like the richness of Detail and shading in this shot. Good choice on goi g in close.
Thank you Fashion Queen!