A Matter of Context
Manzanar, California
If I told you this was a bunk room in a summer camp in the mountains somewhere, you might think “nice digs.” The reality that it is a replica of one of the many barracks at the concentration camp in Manzanar where over 110,000 Japanese-Americans were forcibly detained during World War II creates a whole different reaction in your mind–I hope.
Hi Larry. Thanks for taking and sharing this photo, and for your commentary. My mother was sent to the Minidoka internment camp with her family, so I have a personal connection to this time in history.
Your welcome Jeffrey. I’ve been by the Minidoka site before, but had no idea you mother and family had been sent there. The establishment of those camps are not a proud moment in American history, to say the least. I wish it were possible to believe that we’ve learned our lesson and nothing like that will happen again, but recent attitudes about immigrants suggest that would be a naive thought.
Larry, Did you see the movie Allegiance that was based on George Takei’s family experience with internment at Manzanar? I made the trip to Bozeman to view it. Powerful and well done.
I have not seen that movie, need to put it on my list!