POTD: Snow Standout

Snow Standout
Moser Creek, Montana

Not a stunningly unique winter shot but one that pleases me nonetheless. And the fluffy, white snow that day is a nice contrast to the muck-brown look that appeared around here the last few days due to temps in the 50s. Also a nice move back from yesterday’s blatantly political post. (That was something I felt compelled to do but really isn’t my preferred focus for artistic expression.  I’m generally in the mode of “don’t ask don’t tell” when it comes to politics and people I don’t know these days–it avoids needlessly unpleasant interactions. But sometimes enough is enough! Hopefully those sometimes won’t occur too often.)

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POTD: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Bozeman, Montana

This is such a trivial bit of hypocrisy compared to the sh**storm that’s going on in Washington right now it seems almost pointless to post about it–especially because it’s been reported in the media off and on for some time. But because it’s the first time I’ve encountered such evidence personally and visually, I felt compelled to record it.

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POTD: Ice Forms #9

Ice Forms #9
Bozeman, Montana

It turns out you don’t always need to bundle up and go skiing to get ice form photos; when the temperatures are below zero, all you need to do is open the front door and photograph the glass on the storm door.

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