Orion and Company
Tucson Mountains, Arizona
Another night view of the sky taken from west of Tucson, in the same spot about the same time as the one I posted two days ago. What accounts for the color difference in the sky is that two different cameras were used. This one was using my cell phone while I used a “real” camera for the previous one. I did not alter the color of either of the photos, what you see is basically what the camera produced. So if someone tells you they did not manipulate a photo from their camera so it is hence is a true representation of what they took a photo of, you should not necessarily believe them. Cameras (and any associated software used to get an image out there on the internet) do their own often unique manipulation by default, even when no human tweaking is applied.
I like the blue color of this one and that I can easily make out the constellation Orion, one of the quite small number of constellations I can quickly recognize in the night sky. Interestingly I find it a bit harder to pick out Orion in this photo than I did just looking up at it in the sky. That’s because the photo brought out many more faint stars than what my eye sees, thus hiding Orion behind or among a much larger collection of stars than I’m used to seeing with my naked eye.