POTD: A Clear and Present Danger

A Clear and Present Danger
Freezeout Lake, Montana

I know that wind turbines pose a threat to unwary birds flying by (through) them. I also know that in this particular location the wind turbines are surrounded by many grain fields  that the snow geese regularly fly to to feed. However, watching the bird coming back to the lake from the fields in the evening, it appeared to me that they were quite adept at steering well clear of the danger zone.

4 thoughts on “POTD: A Clear and Present Danger”

    1. I don’t think what I observed is any real indication of wind turbines not being a problem for birds, and I certainly didn’t go wandering around below the spinning blades looking for bodies, so who knows how well the birds have adapted to the situation. But yes, it would be good news if in fact birds are learning to recognize the danger.

  1. I read somewhere someplace that “they” found if they painted one of the blades black it cuts down on bird deaths.

    I’ve never seen it done or any followups on it.

    1. Yes, a study in the Netherlands found some promising results with that method–70% reduction in deaths. They’re repeating that study in Wyoming where they’re building the biggest wind farm in the country. Hope it proves to be true, but interestingly wind turbines kill far fewer birds than do buildings and even cats (according to the Audubon Society).

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