POTD: Newcomer

Bozeman, Montana

Not the most unique photo of a sandhill crane but one I was excited to take as, even though we’ve seen them in the general area, it was the first time in 40 years that we’d actually seen one in our yard at our mountain house. There were actually two; the other was out of the camera view. This photo was taken back in May, but we’ve seen them again since. There’s no indication that they nested near us but likely they did somewhere in the area.

6 thoughts on “POTD: Newcomer”

    1. We still have lots and lots (several hundred) goldfish in our larger pond. The cranes didn’t seem interested in the pond at all during the time we watched them. Rather they spend more time poking around in the sagebrush, which seems quite the opposite of what I expected them to take an interest in. I probably need to read up more on their habits.

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