Pretty exciting to see my photographs appear on such a fine album of music by such a well-respected musician, Rhiannon Giddens. I wouldn’t mind at all if some of her class rubbed off on me!
The CD has been out for a while now but the vinyl album was just released.
Pretty cool!
Thanks Steve!
I really like it!
My famous cousin is getting more so! 🙂
Thanks Carol. Fame is in the eye of the beholder I guess, i.e., I don’t feel particularly famous.
Congratulations! The design looks great and I agree that Rhiannon’s music is wonderful!
Thanks Kathy. For some reason, Waterbound from this album has already become an earworm in my head–which is good and bad as I really like the song.
I watched a piece on her on PBS. Maybe it was part of the Ken Burns series Country Music?
Perhaps. I missed some the later episodes, the more contemporary country music stuff.
Missed this one – just catching up. Congratulations on the cover. Curious on how she (or the recording company) choose it? Does she subscribe to the POTD? ha ha.
Thanks Michael. The recording company hired Smog Design to design the cover and they saw my photos on Art Photo Index where I’d posted them a number of years ago. The company itself only dates to the 90s but the Heiden’s who formed it have quite a track record for designing album covers over many decades, working with such artists as Jeri Garcia, K.D. Lang, Sheryl Crow, Emmylou Harris, Neil Diamond, The Eagles, Tom Petty, etc. etc. etc., so I’m pretty pleased to have them turn their attention to me for a moment.