Canyon Rim in Moonlight
Bighorn Canyon, Montana
Looking across the canyon from our campsite on the rim of Bighorn Canyon, we could see across the canyon to the low rolling hills on the opposite rim, hills dotted with juniper trees here and there. In another direction we could see a dry-docked floating restroom waiting to be put into the canyon reservoir for the season. Looking closely at the water line scum patterns built up on the barrel floats on which the restroom was mounted, I found much the same scene that we observed looking out across the canyon.
I’m guessing that this and yesterday’s POTD are more examples of the mussel shell landscapes? Or maybe they are real landscapes? If they are shell landscapes, they certainly look like the real thing. Gives me a mission for the next time I walk the beach.
See yesterday’s post (June 5th) for the explanation of the source of these faux landscapes. There will be more of the shell landscapes coming up one of these days.