Yellowstone Dystopia #3
Bozeman, Montana
There are a number themes going on in this dystopic view of Yellowstone. There’s the desertification of the land due to forest fires and climate change, the continued urbanization of national parks in an attempt to attract more and more visitors, and now I suppose it also suggests that with the Covid-19 spurred isolation and quarantine, the critters are going to take over. An animal takeover might not be a bad thing except for the little known fact that some bison have a drinking problem.
Really well done composite, Larry! Your description did make me chuckle…welcome in these times! 🙂
Thanks Kathy. I hope you were viewing it on your large computer screen so you could see the beer bottles on the ground next to the drunk bison. I realized after posting the image that they would be too small to see on a phone screen.
Yes I did look at it large! Even just the image itself…thanks. 🙂
You can make a print of this most excellent picture and sell it to the proprietor to hang in a prominent place in the bar. Better still, just bulldoze the building and put a memorial to it on the property with the picture on it.
Hmm, I’m not sure the regular (and real) patrons of the Bison Bar in Miles City, MT where it is really located, would think too much of bulldozing the place!
I’m several days behind on my photo viewing (and months behind on commenting), but must comment on how amazed I am that you were able to capture all the elements of composition and content in one photo! It’s a break from your usual artistic photos, but I love it too. (I feel like I should save it with my digital collection of 2020 Coronovirus memes…because laughing at them is what I do when confronted with this potentially very bad situation.)
Thanks for the kind comments Connie, and good to hear from you. As far as it being a break from my usual photos, I’d like to say something lofty like it resulted from my continual quest to expand my artistic horizons, but more likely it’s just another sign of a bit of undiagnosed ADD, i.e., my inability to stick with one thing for too long!