The Wolf Point Bridge
Wolf Point, Montana
The Wolf Point Bridge over the Missouri River (a.k.a. the Lewis and Clark Bridge), finished in 1930 was at the time, still is, and probably will always be (because they’re not building bridges like this anymore) the longest and most massive riveted through truss bridge in Montana. It is 1,074 feet long and contains 1,150 tons of steel. Highway traffic no longer uses this bridge as a new one of more modern design was constructed next to it. There are bike/walking paths leading to both ends of the bridge but for some reason the ends of the bridge have been fenced off. That suggests it may have structural problems but it still looked quite sound to me, especially compared to the one I had recently crossed outside of Terry, Montana.
The deck of the Terry, Mt bridge looks like something you’d see in a Three Stooges movie. l Yikes!
It looked dicey enough I tended to walk gingerly even though I knew I had to drive across it!