Pigment Peeper
Chicago, Illinois
In digital photography there is a name for someone who spends a lot of time zooming in on photographs on their computer screen looking at extreme details not visible when viewed from a normal distance–they are called pixel peepers. This young woman appears to be doing the painter’s equivalent with this oil painting.
Great photo! Is she taking notes?
Thanks Betty. Yes, she was taking notes. Since the Art Institute of Chicago is, well, an institute (it has a school attached to it), you typically see student types wandering around examining the art in detail–I presume for class assignments.
I am one of these, and it sometimes earns me stern looks from security guards. If there is a yellow line on the floor, I will undoubtedly be the one leaning over it. Maybe they are more used to us at the Art Institute’s museum and why I have always enjoyed visiting there 🙂
Janet, at least you didn’t get reprimanded for peaking behind a window shade!
Or maybe like some guy I know she just forgot her glasses.
I know that same guy Bruce!