POTD: Kofa Shadows #6

Kofa Shadows #6
Kofa Mountains, Arizona

Earlier this year I posted some photos of the Kofa mountains from our visit there in December, 2022. I was very intrigued at the time by the changing shadows as the clouds moved past the mountains. We stopped there again just last month and were again treated to some changing shadows. Although not quite as dramatic as they were the year before, I still was draw to photograph them again even after telling myself I didn’t need to given I’d done that already the previous visit.

4 thoughts on “POTD: Kofa Shadows #6”

  1. Nice! The clouds make for some dramatic b&w images. Of course you know, the cloud shadows you experienced this trip were not the same as the ones on your previous trip. So in my mind it’s perfectly okay to photography the mountain with cloud shadows again….could be a whole portfolio series! 🙂

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think the decision to photograph any scene again (in this case the shadows on the mountains) is whether or not you think you can produce “better” results the second time around. In this case I was, and am, really pleased with the photographs I got last year so I was thinking the chances of getting something I liked even better this time around were slim, especially given the weather this year compared to last. Although I got a few good shadow images this time, my initial feeling I wouldn’t be able to improve the results seem born out. But it was still fun taking new shots of the shadows that did present themselves. Of course there’s always the idea that, rather than aiming to get something better, you instead try to fill out the collection or portfolio of images portraying an area. In this case that might mean going beyond concentrating on shadows. I am not purposely building a portfolio of Kofa images but have wandered around with my camera enough there that it wouldn’t be too hard to put a broader collection together I suppose.

  2. sejohnson210@gmail.com

    Coincidentally, as I walked up to the stables during sunrise this am, I was struck by the same sort of mix of sunshine and shadows on Arapaho Ridge and higher rugged skylines behind. The slots of canyons allow one to see illuminated rock structures above, behind and below the foreground ridge that is covered in shadows. Very light winds today so the shadow/sunlit panorama didn’t change much, which can be a minus in the moment or video recording versus still photos.

    1. It’s often all about the shadows, especially during the so-called “magic hour” in the morning and evening. Critters (horses, dogs) are good for getting folks out to enjoy those times of day with special light. But of course, the right mix of clouds and sun can make for great shadows any time of the day.

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